FREEZE WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 8 PM THIS EVENING TO 9 AM EST TUESDAY... ...FREEZE WATCH IN EFFECT FROM TUESDAY EVENING THROUGH WEDNESDAY MORNING... WHAT...For the Freeze Warning, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 expected. For the Freeze Watch, sub-freezing temperatures as low as 27 possible. WHERE...Portions of northeast and northern Florida and southeast Georgia. WHEN...For the Freeze Warning, from 8 PM this evening to 9 AM EST Tuesday. For the Freeze Watch, from Tuesday evening through Wednesday morning. IMPACTS...Appropriate action should be taken to ensure tender vegetation and outdoor pets have adequate protection from the cold temperatures. Young children, the elderly and the homeless are especially vulnerable to the cold. Take measures to protect them. RECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Take measures to protect young children, the elderly and the homeless. To prevent water pipes from freezing; wrap or drain or allow them to drip slowly. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.